How to Make the Most of Your Study-Abroad Program

Summary: If you are studying abroad in the near future continue reading for some tips on how to make the most of the experience.


During college it is not uncommon for students to leave their campus for semester or even a full academic year to study abroad at another school in a different country. Study abroad programs offer students a way to experience living in a different part of the world while still taking a few classes so they can continue to pursue their higher education goals. Having the chance to study in a different part of the world is a rare opportunity that should not be taken for granted. To get the most out of the program, continue reading below for some ideas that can help you prepare.


Learn Outside of the Classroom


While you are studying abroad, whether that be in the Netherlands, London, or any other part of the world, you will, at the end of the day, still be attending school. Attend all of your classes and learn as much as you can during your lectures but do not forget that there is much to learn outside of the classroom, as well.


Make sure to immerse yourself in your temporary home by exploring, trying new things, eating new dishes, and keeping an open mind. You will learn a lot about the culture and who you are, as a person. Venture outside of your comfort zone to soak in all you can.


Make Friends and Network


Throughout the study-abroad program you will meet plenty of new people with very different backgrounds and upbringings. Take the time to make new friends to share the experience with, for some of the people you meet could become life-long friends. Networking while living abroad can also help you meet people who you can work with professionally in the future.


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