Articles by admin

Lethal Investment Mistakes

Investing is stressful, exciting and perilous all at the same time. If you’re dedicated, anyone can invest and work on a strategy to grow financially. From large names, to the average Joe, investing is good…

Three Reasons to Open an Online Store

More and more, credit card processing services are offering both on and offline services to help process credit card transactions. Not only is eCommerce expanding at a rapid rate, especially as more shoppers become familiar…

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Len Blavatnik Helps Others Achieve

By Access Industries When you think of the name Len Blavatnik, a number of different things may come to mind. Like many people, you probably think about how this man is one of the wealthiest…

The Evolution of Mortgage Lending

By Phineas Upham Today, when the average person wants to purchase a home he or she has to find a lender willing to loan them money. That money comes at a particular interest rate, which…

Currency Devaluation in Modern Markets

By Samuel Phineas Upham Countries have reasons to let their currencies become devalued, and sometimes those reasons are out of the hands of government policymakers entirely. In modern economics, most currencies are what are called…

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Why the Middle Class Needs FinTech

By Samuel Phineas Upham The path of upward mobility begins with financial management. If the average person could better manage his or her money, savings would thrive and we would all collectively handle risk better…